I want to believe that I can become something that my family doesn't want me to be. I want to believe that my work inspires. I want to believe in diversity within my family through religion, careers, and lifestyle. The floral fabric symbolizes my cultural East African background, my family's Eastern Orthodox religion, and family traditions. A sage, in classical philosophy, is someone who has attained wisdom. The photograph "A sage" displays acquiring wisdom from a higher power. In her time of need, she is sitting up with a high posture looking up to the higher power, asking for and receiving knowledge, inspiration, and grace. Her face is concealed with a floral fabric removing her identity. With the higher power shows that in her time of need, she is sitting in solitude but she is truly not alone. She believes she is more than her troubles and that the higher power will take care of her. In "Is the glass half empty or half full" questions your faith to see if you are a pessimist or an optimist. Do you want to believe? Do you have hope for today and the future?

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